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You're so young.

Last week I celebrated my birthday.  I’m finally “legal” to live in my community without a chaperone!  Living in a 55 plus community and being one of the younger ones, I hear this a lot and it always makes me giggle.

Growing older is not often celebrated the way I think it should be.  Sure, our bodies start changing, we don’t have the energy we used to at 20 and there are a few more wrinkles and grey hair.  However, we’ve gained much and have a lifetime of experience and wisdom.  This should be celebrated!

"Age is just....a number.  Don't let it be a state of mind." - Unknown

 I learned is that we become what we think about most.  It’s important that we watch what we say to ourselves.  If we tell ourselves we are old, we will feel old, we will act old and we will be old.  If we tell ourselves we are fat, we will continue to make choices to make that true, too.  If we tell ourselves we are stupid, our brains will provide all the evidence we need to continue believe that and make it true as well.  You get the idea.

To me, age is a frame of mind and I’m choosing to believe the best is yet to come!

Celebrating is sexy.

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