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Hot showers and lipstick.

Hot showers and lipstick happen to be two things that I do each day that help me feel better about myself. 
During the first week of “stay at home”, it was so easy for me to slum it but it sort of made me feel worse.  It seems superficial, I know.  However, showering, doing my hair and makeup and putting on my lipstick has been a daily game changer for me.  I feel my best so it helps me to be and do my best.

"Put on some lipstick and pull yourself together." - Elizabeth Taylor

Now that my husband is also working from home, I don’t want to be all hag-like either.  While I know he loves me, I still want him to be attracted to me and I feel more confident when I’m “put together”.  So, everyday, I get up, get showered and get dressed as if I’m going somewhere.  (Except Saturday.  Saturdays are for sleeping in and chores.  Then, I get cleaned up for our weekly date.)

How about you?  Is there anything that you are doing each day that helps you to feel better in your body? 
Hot showers and lipstick are sexy.

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