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My meltdown.

life self care self love Mar 27, 2020

I had a bit of a meltdown today.  My day started off amazing!  Then, I watched a video from an ER nurse in Detroit talk about the lack of medical supplies.  It was heart wrenching to say the least.

I think it’s important to feel our feelings and let them work their way through our bodies.  We certainly don’t want to live in the yuck. 

"It's ok to have a meltdown.  Just don't unpack and live there." - Author Unknown

Here are some of the healthy strategies I use for my “meltdown moments”:

  • Breathe (I like to breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 and breathe out for 4.)
  • Meditate (I love the Calm app but there are so many you can try.)
  • Go for a walk (Fresh air and exercise.  Need I say more?)
  • Take pictures on my walk.
  • Have a dance break (Music and dancing always soothes my soul.)
  • Scream obscenities (I know, it’s not very ladylike but it sure feels good.)
  • Nap (Sleep glorious sleep! We need it.)

How about you?  Have you had any meltdowns in the midst of this pandemic?  (Don’t worry, I won’t tell.)  If so, what strategies do you use so you don’t spend too much time in the yuck?

Meltdown strategies are sexy.


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