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When a yes is a no.

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Years ago, I had a partner in another business.  I used to pride myself in being the “can do” person.  I was the person who never said, “no”.  I always came through.

At the time, I never realized that saying yes to my partner all the time was actually saying no to myself.

He’d schedule a meeting for the next day while walking out the door to go home to his family, have dinner and relax.  That meeting would require hours of work on my part which meant I wasn’t going home to be with my family and I would be working well into the evening.

Instead of thinking about myself, I’d say, “Sure!  I can get that done.  No problem.”

However, there was a problem and that was…my personal life and my health suffered.

"Saying no can be the ultimate self-care." - Claudia Black

I’d be at the office way past dinner and sometimes until 9, 10 or 11 pm getting this "last minute Sally’s" proposals done.  He’d already had dinner, played with his kids, relaxed and was preparing for his next day while I was still scrambling.

I created a lot of stress in my life because I put someone else's needs before my own.

I don’t do that anymore.  I learned the hard way.

Ever find yourself saying yes to someone when you know in your gut that it’s a big fat no to yourself?

Don't do that anymore.

It’s ok not to.

You matter.

The world will not fall apart but in fact will be better.

Saying no is sexy.

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