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What's your pleasure?

life self care Mar 29, 2019

Last Spring upon returning to Phoenix from a weekend away, I was pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming smell of orange blossoms in bloom.  I had never experienced it before and it was such a treat.

Well, it’s Springtime again and I still find the smell of the orange blossoms intoxicating.  On my morning walks I often stop while passing an orange tree, take a few deeps breaths and breathe in this delicious smell.  I just can’t get enough.  I bask in the joy that this amazing smell gives me.

"Slow down.  Enjoy the simple pleasures in life." - Unknown

I enjoy being in the moment.

In spite of my ever growing “to do” list, I realize I don’t do it nearly enough.  That is, just take the time to be in the moment and enjoy simple pleasures.

How about you?  Is it easy for you to take the time?

I enjoy the sweet scent of the orange blossoms, my sister enjoys savoring a yummy cup of coffee and my friend enjoys watching her grandson and experiencing wonder through his eyes.

What are your simple little pleasures?  I want to know!

Enjoying simple, little pleasures is sexy.

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