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Do you know what you deserve?

Happy Valentine’s Day!
I read this recently, "Learn to love yourself first so you know what you deserve.”, and it really resonated with me.
I believe self love is critical to a happy, fulfilled existence.  You can’t give what you don’t have so it’s important to create habits that fill you up.  As women, we are taught to give, share, and be polite.  Then we give until there is nothing left to give, share until there is nothing left to share and are often so polite to others that we say yes when we really want to say no.

"To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness." - Robert Morley

This Valentine’s Day how about giving yourself a little love?  Start putting into practice some self love habits.  Consistently taking really good care of yourself will translate into you being a better human, a better wife, mother, lover, friend, entrepreneur, daughter…whatever it is you are or want to be.
Self love is more than manicures and massages.  (Although, this gal loves both!)  It’s about setting boundaries and having healthy relationships.  It’s about knowing yourself well enough to know when to say no even if someone else doesn’t like it.  It’s about appreciating "what is" including the good, the bad and the not so pretty.  It’s about surrounding yourself with people who help you become the best version of yourself.
Learning to love yourself first is sexy.

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